Johan Rosa

Notas de un tipo con inquietudes

Introducción al tidyverts: series temporales al estilo tidy

Recientemente terminé de leer el libro Forecasting: Principles and Practice de Rob J Hyndman y George Athanasopoulos y como es natural antes de elegir este material, y mientras lo leía, fui investigando sobre los autores, principalmente sobre Rob Hyndman. Este señor ha escrito una innumerable cantidad de papers útiles para aprender a modelar series temporales y ha desarrollado varios paquetes muy famosos para manejar series de tiempo en R.

Creating maps with sf and ggplot2

Recently a coworker asked my help with a map he needed to complete the slides of a presentation. He wanted three maps of a specific province of the Dominican Republic, disaggregated by municipality. When he ask for it, I immediately took it as the perfect opportunity to complete my shift from rgdals and tmap packages to sf and ggplo2 for maps visualization. The package sf provide spatial objects with the structure of a data frame where the polygons are contains in a list-column, making the use of spatial data more intuitive for the user.